Basket and bouquet flower arranging workshop
Arrange a beautiful basket or bouquet arrangement with Setsuko, who has over 13 years of experience as a florist, and who is the founder of Yuga Floral Design in Glebe.
Setsuko will select the highest quality seasonal fresh flowers for you to choose from. You'll get insider tips on how best to combine elements to compose a beautiful arrangement or bouquet. Express your creativity while indulging in a beautiful and meditative experience.
The class size is purposely kept small so you'll get enough one on one attention from Setsuko. The ambience in Setsuko's flower shop will be relaxed and tranquil - a perfect way to spend two hours getting away from the usual hustle and bustle, to just breathe and be in the moment.
You'll take your tasteful creation away with you, as well as fresh new skills in flower arranging and appreciation.
Please note that the duration of this class may be shorter than 2 hours if there are only a small number of students.
For groups (5 to 10 guests), we can also offer a cheese platter and sparkling for an extra $15 per guest - just contact us with your preferred date and time if you'd like this option, and we'll send you a link to get it booked in. Register now.